How Often Do Women Wash Their Bras?

How often do you wash yours?

Some women admit to not washing their bra for weeks! Ugh!

We know what it’s like having a favourite bra that you don’t want to take off for long enough to wash it but WEEKS – no!

Sweat will soak into the bra resulting in odour.

Experts say it needs to be washed every 2 – 3 wears. But washing it on too high a temperature or too vigorously will ruin the elasticity so hand washing is the best.

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A Bionic Bra!

Scientists in Australia are using new 3D printing technology to create a bionic bra which will adjust support depending on how much movement the wearer is making. The bras will provide maximum support when you are exercising but reduce restrictiveness when you are relaxing.

It’s still a prototype at the moment but sounds like a great invention.

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